Fall Monthly Event

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Fall Monthly Event

Post by yankeesrule3526 »

They had both witnessed the beating that the dumb flying serpent had gotten by these similar-looking alien creatures. And how it flew off with its metaphorical tail between its legs. And how it didn’t dare to come back, even after weeks.
Both of them had been living in constant fear of the serpent that had once disrupted their battle for dominance in ancient times, and which had been watching over their fragile, fear-induced truce since then. And now that it was apparently gone for good, their fear had vanished, and with it every reason to keep the truce intact.

Lava erupted from ground so arid it was already tearing apart on its own, and a bellowing roar announced a time of drought powerful enough to dry out the ocean as well. Groudon emerged from the lava, roared anew and looked into the distance, where it sensed its rival under the waves of the sea. This time, it would dry out every last bit of water on this planet!

A high-pitched screech that sounded like nothing from this world came as an answer. Thick storm clouds began to cover the sky in the distance, blocking out the sun. And in the eerie mixture of rain and darkness, Kyogre burst out from the ocean’s surface, bringing the water with it, which took the form of a giant wave rolling towards its enemy. This time, it would submerge the rest of the land in water!
Kyogre and Groudon are available in the Slot Machine until the end of the month in both regular and shiny. But that's not all!
We also found two new monthly eggs at the Adoption Center! You want to know what's inside them? That's a secret for now, but you will find out, when they hatch in two weeks!
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Re: Fall Monthly Event

Post by Yoshiki »

Ui very nice.
Come to me Shiny Kyogre. Love you.
❤️ Sharing IP every day with my husband derBhaal . ❤️Image❤️
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Re: Fall Monthly Event

Post by Sabbo »

didn't expect something new so soon, thank you, awesome news^^
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